Our Mission Keep Our Freedom New Mexico Gun Rights

We come from all walks of life and every corner of New Mexico.

We are women who defend ourselves. We are hunters and sportsmen who enjoy a day in the field or out on the range. We are farmers and ranchers who must protect our livelihoods. We are veterans and citizens who know the right to bear arms is the right that secures all others. We are family members who are concerned about the safety of our children and know that restricting our rights will make our neighborhoods more dangerous.

Second Amendment New MexicoBut most importantly, we are New Mexicans and we vote. We will fight to keep our freedom because, if we don’t, our rights may be lost forever.

Our heritage dates back further than every state in the union. Our bonds, traditions, and families are deeply rooted in the sand and soil of New Mexico. Our firearms – and the rights they protect – have allowed us to uphold this unique way of life for hundreds of years.

Just as generations before us sought to secure liberty for themselves and their posterity, we are fighting today so that our children and grandchildren will have the same freedoms and way of life that we enjoy today.

To defend against attacks on our Second Amendment rights, we work to educate our fellow citizens on the importance of gun rights, support legislators who will safeguard the Second Amendment in New Mexico, and recruit new candidates who will fight to keep our freedom.

Are you worried that we may lose our Second Amendment freedoms in New Mexico? If so, join our movement today and make a donation.